Micro Welding Wire, Micro Wire, Antidumping, VTZ, Vietnam, Investigation, Mexico, Lawyers, International Trade

Antidumping Investigation on Micro Welding Wire from Vietnam

Today, October 10th, 2023, the Ministry of Economy published the Notice of initiation of the Antidumping Investigation on imports of micro welding wire, originating from Vietnam in the Official Gazette of the Federation.


The Mexican companies that requested the initiation of the antidumping investigation are Electrodos Infra, S.A. de C.V. and Plásticos y Alambres S.A. de C.V.

Investigated Product

Micro welding wire, which is a solid wire of carbon steel alloyed with manganese and silicon, in diameters from 0.6 to 1.6 millimeters, coated or not with copper, which is melted to join two or more pieces of steel by means of the generation of an electric arc. It is a solid alloy carbon steel wire with a silicon content of 0.80% and a manganese content of 1.40%.  Micro welding wire is offered in a wide variety of packages from 0.5 kg to 400 kg or more, as well as in spools or drums. The product is also known as: micro wire, welding wire, MIG wire, coil welding, wire welding, MIG welding, among others.

Mexican Tariff Item

The micro welding wire from Vietnam enters the country through the items 7229.20.01, 7229.90.99, 8311.10.99, 8311.30.01 and 8311.90.01 of the Mexican Law of General Import and Export Tariffs or any other.

Normal Value Determination

The Ministry of Economy established the normal value of the investigated product based on domestic market prices in Vietnam. However, the Ministry stated that it will analyze the possible existence of a particular market situation (PMS) in the course of the investigation.

Period of Investigation (Dumping)

The period of investigation on whether the imports of micro welding wire are done under dumping conditions is from February 1st, 2022 to January 31st, 2023.

Period of Analysis (Injury)

The period of analysis on whether the imports of micro welding wire caused injury to the domestic production is from February 1st, 2020 to January 31st, 2023.

Deadline to participate

The deadline for exporters to submit the questionnaire is November 21st, 2023. However, extensions may be requested.

List of producers and exporters

The producers of micro welding wire from Vietnam that were listed as potentially interested parties are the following:

Nahaviwel Joint Stock Company

Floor 10, No. 111-121 Ngo Gia Tu Street

Ward 2, District 10

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Suncom Vietnam Corporation

P.702A, 7th Floor, Center Point Building, 106

Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 08

Phu Nhuan District

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Kuang Tai Metal (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Kcn Nhon Trach 3

Huyen Nhon Trach

Tinh Dong Nai, Vietnam


Kim Tin Hung Yen Corporation

No.69, Nguyen Thi Street

Ward 13, District 5

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

The Esab Group Inc. Dba Esab Welding & Cutting

2F., 10 Le Qui Don Street

Hanoi, Vietnam


Do you need more information?

VTZ is a Mexican Law Firm with 50 years of experience, specialized in International Trade with a strong focus on antidumping investigations. Contact our key members today:

Adrian Vázquez

Adrian Vázquez

Managing Partner



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