Antidumping Investigation, Stainless Steel, China and Taiwan,

The final determination on the anti-dumping investigation on Flat Stainless Steel Products originating in China and Taiwan

Today, October 1, 2020, the final determination of the anti-dumping investigation on Flat Stainless Steel Products originating in China and Taiwan was published in Mexico’s Official Gazette. The applicant for the investigation was the national producer, Outokumpu Mexinox, S.A. de C.V., and various exporters from China and Taiwan, as well as Mexican importers of the investigated product, appeared.

In paragraph 493 of the Resolution, the Ministry determined that:

“[…] There are sufficient elements to support that, during the investigated period, imports of cold-rolled stainless steel flat products, originating in China and Taiwan (specifically from Hoka and YLSS), were made under conditions of price discrimination and caused pecuniary damage to the domestic industry of the like product. […] “


In the anti-dumping investigation, the Ministry concluded that:

“There are elements that support that the domestic industry faces a situation of deterioration and price containment derived from the conditions of unfair competition in which the investigated imports entered, because while in the period investigated the costs of its inputs, expressed in dollars , grew 7%, their prices only increased 1%.

The imports originating in China and Taiwan, under conditions of price discrimination, had a negative impact on relevant economic and financial indicators of the domestic industry, both in the investigated and analyzed periods, including: sales to the domestic market, market share, employment, inventories, prices, sales income, profit, and operating margin. “

VTZ translation

Investigated Stain Less Steel and Exclusions

The stainless steel flat products indicated below were excluded from the product scope and, thus, excluded from the dumping and injury analysis per paragraph 82:

  • Mirror finish (No. 8).
  • Mirror finish (No. 8) embossed.
  • BA finish and thickness less than 0.3 mm.
  • BA finish and thickness greater than 1.2 mm.
  • Those with a width greater than 1319 mm.

Regardless of the foregoing, we suggest consulting the product scope established in the Final Determination.

Antidumping Duties on Chinese and Taiwan Stainless Steel

Unlike the preliminary resolution of this investigation, the Ministry of Economy imposed the following definitive antidumping duties on definitive and temporary imports, as well as those that enter under the Eighth Rule, per paragraph 505:

a. of 0.63 dollars per kilogram for all exporting companies in China.

b. $ 0.61 per kilogram for Hoka Elements Co. Ltd and $ 0.05 per kilogram for Yuan Long Stainless Steel.

Paragraph 505, Final Determination

The Ministry did not impose anti-dumping duties on imports originating in Taiwan from exporters Yieh Mau Corp., Yieh United Steel Corporation, and other exporting companies in that country.

VTZ represented YLSS

Vázquez Tercero & Zepeda (VTZ), through its team of lawyers, represented YLSS in this investigation. The team was led by Emilio Arteaga, supported by Adrian Vázquez, and other former VTZ members.

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