The Manufacturing Industry in Mexico

Manufacturing Industry in Mexico, IMMEX, VAT, IVA, Duty Deferral, Authorized Economic Operator, International Trade, Customs, Mexican Lawyers

Our fourth chapter of Doing Business in Mexico, Policy for the Manufacturing Industry in Mexico, will provide a general overview of the programs that promote the Mexican manufacturing industry, including the requirements and benefits to obtain various programs. Mexican Policy for the Manufacturing Industry What is the IMMEX Program? IMMEX Options IMMEX Benefits IMMEX Obligations […]

Taxation in Mexico: A Guide

Taxation in Mexico, income tax law, corporate tax rate, withholding tax, vat, tax rates, mexican lawyers, mexican accountants, Mexico City, Guadalajara

Our sixth chapter of Doing Business in Mexico, Taxation in Mexico, will provide a general overview of the main Mexican taxes focused on foreign individuals and/or legal entities, including rules on permanent establishment, tax withholding, among other tax obligations. This chapter includes the following sections: Overview: Main Taxes in Mexico Residents and non-residents in Mexico for […]


La industria maquiladora con TMEC, cumplimiento de las obligaciones laborales colectivas, empresas IMMEX nuevas obligaciones TMEC, contractos colectivos TMEC

El Capítulo Laboral y Los Retos para la Industria Maquiladora Al acercarse la fecha de entrada de vigor del TMEC, el 1 de julio de 2020, el cumplimiento de las obligaciones laborales colectivas se torna cada vez más relevante. El incumplimiento de obligaciones laborales puede traer implicaciones de comercio exterior no solamente para la empresa que exporta un producto a EE. UU., sino también […]