Today, June 11, 2021, the Mexican Government published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the Mexico-Hong Kong Bilateral Investment Agreement. This treaty will enter into force on June 16, 2021, and will protect investments and investors from Mexico and Hong Kong. Our partner and director of VTZ Chinese Desk, Susana Muñoz, was part of […]
Alliott Global Alliance | Together as One in Mexico with VTZ

Vázquez Tercero & Zepeda is a proud member of Alliott Global Alliance, an international alliance of independent accounting, law, and specialist firms. VTZ joined this international alliance in 2020, and we are the sole Mexican law firm member. Supporting clients in 80 countries across the world Alliott Global Alliance has 290 offices in 80 countries, […]
Virtual Trade Summit USTR-Mexico | Mexican Economic Newsletter

Trade Summit USTR-Mexico 2021 On March 23, Tatiana Clouthier, head of the Ministry of Economy, met virtually with U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), Katherine Tai, to discuss the importance of the bilateral trade relationship and the full implementation of the USMCA. Both sides committed to future engagement on shared priorities such as economic recovery in the context […]
Economía Internacional y México este 2021

Economía Internacional para el 2021 VTZ preparó una serie de publicaciones para comenzar 2021 relacionados con el webinar “Experiencias 2020, Expectativas 2021“, este post sobre el contexto de la Economía Internacional y México en el 2021 fue preparado por Susana Muñoz. Economía Internacional para el 2022 En nuestro webinar Trade Table, Susana Muñoz nos compartió […]
Doing Business in Mexico: A Guide

In line with our objectives, VTZ Law Firm has developed a Doing Business in Mexico Guide with a strong focus on foreign investment in manufacturing activities. It is our goal as trusted advisors and business facilitators to guide foreign investors, providing insights in a concise manner. Why Doing Business in Mexico? Before the coronavirus outbreak, […]
Why Invest in Mexico?

Our first chapter of Doing Business in Mexico, Why Invest in Mexico?, will serve as an introduction providing a general overview of the current economic and business environment. VTZ Law Firm analyzes Mexico’s doing business rankings and economic indicators –positive and negative– from the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. Also, we summarize trade […]
Foreign Investment in Mexico: A Guide For Foreigners

Our second chapter of Doing Business in Mexico, Foreign Investment, will provide a general overview of the rules and restrictions on foreign capital in Mexico. This chapter includes the following sections: Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico in Numbers General Context of Foreign Investment Law in Mexico Prohibited Economic Sectors Economic Sectors with Restrictions Foreign Investment […]
International Trade in Mexico

Our third chapter of Doing Business in Mexico, International Trade, will provide a general overview of ton Mexican International Trade Policy considering international context, as well as customs aspects. This chapter includes the following sections: Mexican International Trade Policy and Customs Tariff Policy MFN Tariffs or Duties Preferential Tariffs in Free Trade Agreements CPTPP USMCA […]
Taxation in Mexico: A Guide

Our sixth chapter of Doing Business in Mexico, Taxation in Mexico, will provide a general overview of the main Mexican taxes focused on foreign individuals and/or legal entities, including rules on permanent establishment, tax withholding, among other tax obligations. This chapter includes the following sections: Overview: Main Taxes in Mexico Residents and non-residents in Mexico for […]