Decree exempting the payment of import duties.

Today, the “Decree exempting the payment of import duties on the goods indicated“, issued by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

Objective of the Decree.

The President of Mexico, in accordance with article 131 of the Mexican Constitution, has the power to increase, decrease or eliminate export and import tariffs.

Derived from such power, the President issued the decree with the purpose of counteracting the effects of inflation on the prices of products. The decree temporarily exempts from import duties 66 tariff items that are part of the basic basket of products and 6 tariff items that belong to strategic inputs for national consumption.

Products exempted from import duties:

See the following document for a complete list of tariff items exempted from import duties.

See the complete list

Entry into force.

The first article, which establishes the 66 tariff items exempted from import duties, will enter into force on May 17, 2022 and will be in force for 1 year with the option to extend it for an additional year.

The second article, which provides for the 6 tariff items pertaining to strategic inputs such as meat, will enter into force the day after the Ministry of Economy notifies through the DOF that it has the opinion of the Foreign Trade Commission. Its effectiveness will end on the same date on which the effectiveness of the first article ends.


On May 19, 2022, the “Erratum to the Decree exempting the payment of import duties on the goods indicated, published on May 16, 2022” was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. By means of the erratum, some tariff items of the first article were corrected to be as shown below: 

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