Steel Grinding Balls from China | Antidumping Alert

Antidumping Investigation on Steel Grinding Balls from China On September 6th, 2022, the Ministry of Economy published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the notice of initiation of the antidumping investigation concerning steel grinding balls originating from the People’s Republic of China. This investigation was requested by the company Moly-Cop México, S.A. de C.V. Investigated […]
Metformin from India: Anti-Subsidy Investigation

Know the most important aspects of the notice of iniciation of the Anti-Subsidy investigation on imports of Metformin from India.
Resin Polyester from China: Antidumping Investigation

Know the most important aspects of the notice of iniciation of the antidumping investigation on imports of polyester resin from China.
SBR From U.S., Korea And Japan: Sunset and Annual Review

Get to know the most important aspects of the iniciation of the sunset and annual review concerning SBR from the U.S., Korea and Japan
Ceramic tableware from China: Sunset and Annual Review

Get to know the most important aspects of the notice of iniciation of the sunset and annual review concerning cermic tableware from China.
Micro Welding Wire from Vietnam

The Ministry of Economy initiated an antidumping investigation on imports of micro welding wire originating from Vietnam. Read all the details on this procedure in the post we prepared.
Antidumping Investigation on Concrete Nails from China

The Mexican Ministry of Economy initiated an antidumping investigation on the imports of concrete nails from China.
Cold Rolled Steel From Vietnam

Mexico publishes the notice of initiation concerning the antidumping investigation on Cold Rolled Steel from Vietnam.
Antidumping Investigation on Steel Threaded Rods from China

Mexico launched an antidumping investigation on steel threaded rods from China on June 9, 2023. For more information, check our trade alert.
Antidumping Tires From China

New Investigation! The Ministry of Economy published the notice of initiation of the antidumping tires from China.