Unique Sanitary License

Unique Sanitary License: Implications for International Trade in Mexico To ensure price control and promote measures to contain inflation, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit announced a plan on October 3 during “la mañanera”, the morning press conference of the President. This plan is part of the Agreement on Actions Against Inflation and Famine […]
Licencia Sanitaria Única

Licencia Sanitaria Única: Implicaciones para el Comercio Exterior en México Para garantizar el control de precios y promover medidas que contengan la inflación, el secretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público anunció un plan el 3 de octubre durante “la mañanera”. Este plan forma parte del Acuerdo de Apertura Contra la Inflación y la Carestía (APECIC). […]
New Mexican Minister of Economy

New Mexican Minister of Economy: USMCA Energy Consultations and RRLM petition In recent days, there has been a lot of movement regarding the Mexican Ministry of Economy. In this post, we discuss about the developments regarding the energy consultations between Mexico and the United States under the USMCA. Furthermore, we address the resignation of the […]