Antidumping Investigation in Mexico Notice of initiation TRIETHANOLAMINE from the USA

Notice of Initiation of the Antidumping Investigation on Triethanolamine from the United States of America

Today, July 31st, 2020, the Mexican Ministry of Economy published in the official gazette the notice of initiation of the antidumping investigation regarding triethanolamine imports from the United States of America.

VTZ Law Firm prepared a summary with the most relevant information regarding the notice of initiation:

1. Petitioner:

Industrias Derivadas del Etileno, S.A. de C.V.

2. General Product Description:

Triethanolamine is a chemical product belonging to the category of ethanolamines, which combined with the properties of amines and alcohol, can create common reactions with both groups or others, such as acids, salts, or soaps. It is technically and commercially known as triethanolamine or TEA.

3. Tariff Item (MHTS):


4. Period of Dumping Investigation:

January 1st to December 31st, 2019.

5. Period of Injury Analysis:

January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2019.

6. Normal Value:

Price references in the domestic market of the United States of America.

7. Date to Submit the Questionnaire:

September 9th, 2020.

Download our summary in the following link: VTZ- Antidumping TEA 31072020 ENG, you can also download the notice of initiation in the following link: Notice of Initiation – Triethanolamine (only available in Spanish)

Do you need more information? Contact us.

For additional information, do not hesitate to contact our members: adrian[@], vero[@], emilio[@] and mariana[@]



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