Notice of Initiation of the Antidumping Investigation on Triethanolamine from the United States of America Today, July 31st, 2020, the Mexican Ministry of Economy published in the official gazette the notice of initiation of the antidumping investigation regarding triethanolamine imports from the United States of America. VTZ Law Firm prepared a summary with the most relevant information regarding […]
Resolución de inicio de la investigación antidumping sobre trietanolamina originario de los Estados Unidos de América El día de hoy, 31 de julio de 2020, la Secretaría de Economía publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación la Resolución por la que declara el inicio del procedimiento administrativo de investigación antidumping sobre las importaciones de trietanolamina originario de los Estados Unidos […]
Política de Inversión con China, INEGI y Webinar VTZ – The Trading Room
Política de Inversión México-China, INEGI, Webinar sobre Certificación IVA/IEPS, y Más The Trading Room Nuestra socia Susana Muñoz, directora del Chinese Desk, preparó una alerta en donde aborda la tensión creciente entre EE.UU. y China, describiendo los acontecimientos recientes que afectan la relación entre las dos economías más grandes del mundo, a medida que se acercan […]
Mexican Investment Promotion Policy – The Trading Room
The Trading Room Mexican Investment Promotion Policy Must Change Susana Muñoz, director of the VTZ Chinese Desk and former government official of the Mexican Ministry of Economy, prepared a text on the decoupling of the global economy and its implications for Mexico. Taking into account that the 2020 US presidential election approaches, she addresses the growing […]
New Approach to Mexico Investment Promotion Policy
The Decoupling of the Global Economy and its Implications for Mexico: A New Investment Promotion Policy is Needed (PDF) The discourse about the trade war between China and the United States has intensified in recent months not only as an electoral strategy but rather it has extended also into other fronts damaging the bilateral relationship. […]