Ivan Szymanski| Local Partner

Ivan Szymanski is of counsel to VTZ in Mexico City. Ivan has extensive experience in Antitrust, Compliance, Corporate Law and Real Estate Law. Ivan has advised multiple companies in starting operations in Mexico, establishing internal compliance and corporate governance processes and policies.

Professional Experience

Ivan Szymanski's professional experience is focused in the areas of Corporate Law, Antitrust Law, Anti-Corruption and Compliance Law and, Real Estate Law.

Ivan has advised national and international companies in the preparation and filing of merger notifications, verification visits and investigation procedures carried out by the Mexican competition authorities.

In addition, Ivan has advised companies of all sizes with operations in Mexico on how to comply with Mexican antitrust, anticorruption, conflict of interest and sexual harassment laws and regulations. Ivan is a specialist in the design and implementation of internal policies in these areas.

Finally, Ivan has extensive experience guiding mergers and acquisitions processes with national and international effects.


Áreas de práctica



* Law Degree at Universidad Anáhuac, 2013.
* Master in Globalization and Law, Maastricht University, 2015.

