Steel Grinding Balls from China | Antidumping Alert

Antidumping investigation on Steel Grinding Balls from China

Antidumping Investigation on Steel Grinding Balls from China On September 6th, 2022, the Ministry of Economy published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the notice of initiation of the antidumping investigation concerning steel grinding balls originating from the People’s Republic of China. This investigation was requested by the company Moly-Cop México, S.A. de C.V. Investigated […]

New Law of General Import and Export Taxes​

New Law of General Import and Export Taxes Today, the Decree issuing the Law of General Import and Export Taxes was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), which repeals the Law of General Import and Export Taxes, published in the DOF on July 1, 2020. Relevant changes The Decree providing for the […]

USMCA Hotline and more | The Trading Room

Mexican Economic Newsletter, International Trade News in Mexico

USMCA Hotline for Labor Complaints   On Monday, August 3, the United States Embassy in Mexico published, on its Twitter account, the “USMCA Hotline”, which is a platform to receive complaints or information on labor matters. This should not come as a surprise because it was foreseen in article 717 of the USMCA Implementation Act.   El […]