USMBA Annual Conference
Our Jr. Partner, Emilio Arteaga, will participate in the panel USMCA: Its not Just about Customs in the USMBA annual conference.
Conferencia Anual USMBA
Nuestro Socio Jr., Emilio Arteaga, participará como panelista en la conferencia anual USMBA comentando sobre el TMEC y sus implicaciones.
Antidumping Final Determination Mexico Polyester Textured Yarn from China and India
Mexican Authority Issues Final Determination on Antidumping Investigation regarding Polyester Textured Yarn from China and India On 29 September 2021, the Ministry of Economy published in the Official Gazette the final determination of the antidumping investigation on imports of polyester textured yarn from China and India. In this post, we summarize the most relevant aspects […]