Eduardo Zepeda, VTZ abogados

Eduardo Zepeda

Partner Mexico City | Manager of León and Tijuana Office

Practice area : International Trade and Customs

"Eduardo Zepeda is always up to date with information that could affect our company's operation. He always acts with high professionalism and shows availability to provide support." Chambers and Partners – Band 4 (2024)

Eduardo Zepeda | Leader of Customs and IMMEX practice

Eduardo Zepeda is a partner in the office of Mexico City and head of the León and Tijuana Office. With his extensive experience advising and supporting the maquiladora industry in customs, trade and tax matters, he currently heads the Customs Law practice area.


Eduardo Zepeda advises and supports importers, exporters and particularly to companies with IMMEX program in customs and foreign trade programs. Eduardo has a deep knowledge in tax complexities that arise in the business operations of companies with IMMEX program; among which are issues such permanent establishment, certification on VAT and IEPS, as well as programs on security in the supply chain. In addition, Eduardo advises, accompanies and represents maquiladoras IMMEX companies and companies in verification by the regulatory authorities, in addition to represent them in negotiating agreements with the mexican entity PRODECON. The lawyer Zepeda is frequently invited to conferences on customs matters related to the IMMEX industry; in national and international forums.

Industria Maquiladora e IMMEX

Eduardo Zepeda tiene un profundo conocimiento en las complejidades fiscales que se presentan en las operaciones comerciales de las empresas con programa IMMEX; entre los que destacan temas como establecimiento permanente, la certificación en materia de IVA e IEPS, así como de los programas de en materia de seguridad en la cadena de suministro.

Eduardo asesora, acompaña y representa a empresas maquiladoras y empresas IMMEX durante el ejercicio de facultades de comprobación por parte de las autoridades fiscalizadoras, además de representarlas en la negociación de acuerdos conclusivos ante PRODECON.

Practice areas



LL.B. – Universidad de Guadalajara (1989)
