Adrián Vázquez: Arbitrator and mediator in ICDPASO
Adrián Vázquez: New Arbitrator and Mediator at ICDPASO We are pleased to announce that our managing partner, Adrián Vázquez, has recently been appointed as an arbitrator and mediator at the International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO). At VTZ, we are delighted to share this recognition of our managing partner’s career and new challenge, […]
Adrián Vázquez: Árbitro y Mediador en ICDPASO
Adrián Vázquez: Nuevo Árbitro y Mediador en ICDPASO En esta ocasión, nos complace anunciar que nuestro socio director, Adrián Vázquez, ha sido recientemente nombrado árbitro y mediador en la International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO). En VTZ, nos da gusto compartirles este reconocimiento a la trayectoria y nuevo reto para la carrera profesional […]